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Cocktail Bar feature

Cocktail Bar feature

Photography for a feature in the Cambridge Independent on a local business, La Raza, which specialises in coktails and evening food.Gallery Click on...

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About the Artist

I began exploring the process of photography through my travels. By finding myself in unique locations with unique people, my camera was often the only constant.

Working back as I worked forwards, the cameras moved from being witness and truth-teller, to medium and story-teller as I began to realise the images I took were not the reality of my experiences, and could never reflect the truth of those experiences.

Instead by focussing on photography as an art form, I use image as a way of exploring my own ideas and the ideas of the viewer, as a starting point for a discussion on reality, memory and beauty.

As a commercial photographer, I bring the skills that define the art to create compelling narrative images that tell a story as well as challenge and satisfy aesthetic principles.


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